What are pocket parks?

For years we unreflectively built up every meter available in cities. However, the time has come for reflection and appreciation of greenery in the city, unfortunately, in many cases it is too late – there is simply no room for large parks in crowded cities. So it changed the approach to the problem and began to use small plots of land, squares between buildings or neglected squares transforming them into mini-parks. That’s what pocket parks (from English pocket park) are: their area does not exceed 5000m2, they usually house a few benches, a few trees, shrubs, sometimes flower beds or an outdoor library. Seemingly nothing, and yet they are places where we can sit for a while, take a break from urban buildings and greyness – just feel better.


Empty, unused plot of land at the intersection of Konstytucji 3-go Maja and Bandurskiego Streets

The terrain was properly profiled to give an appropriate slope and so that water does not form stagnant areas, and cleaned of trash and debris. The design of the park included the introduction of beds of ornamental plants, the use of easy-care and low-maintenance species, the planting of deciduous trees, the creation of a path with a permeable surface, and the placement of 3 benches and 2 waste baskets. The work was carried out in the fall of 2022.

Below are photos of the finished project: in the coming years, the vegetation will thicken and expand, and the park will become more and more beautiful.


Creating new green spaces: POCKET PARK

What are pocket parks?

For years we unreflectively built up every meter available in cities. However, the time has come for reflection and appreciation of greenery in the city, unfortunately, in many cases it is too late – there is simply no room for large parks in crowded cities. So it changed the approach to the problem and began to use small plots of land, squares between buildings or neglected squares transforming them into mini-parks. That’s what pocket parks (from English pocket park) are: their area does not exceed 5000m2, they usually house a few benches, a few trees, shrubs, sometimes flower beds or an outdoor library. Seemingly nothing, and yet they are places where we can sit for a while, take a break from urban buildings and greyness – just feel better.


Empty, unused plot of land at the intersection of Konstytucji 3-go Maja and Bandurskiego Streets

The terrain was properly profiled to give an appropriate slope and so that water does not form stagnant areas, and cleaned of trash and debris. The design of the park included the introduction of beds of ornamental plants, the use of easy-care and low-maintenance species, the planting of deciduous trees, the creation of a path with a permeable surface, and the placement of 3 benches and 2 waste baskets. The work was carried out in the fall of 2022.

Below are photos of the finished project: in the coming years, the vegetation will thicken and expand, and the park will become more and more beautiful.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.