🌿🅿️ Parking lot with green and permeable pavement at Silesian Botanical Garden! 🅿️🌿

This task focuses on using the parking area in an ecological and efficient way. Our goal is to manage rainwater and create an aesthetically pleasing and comfortable parking lot. Here is what we are planning:

💦 Drainage of rainwater 💦.

The current parking lot, covered with gravel, has no rainwater retention or treatment facilities. Water partially soaks into the ground on site, and partially drains into a roadside ditch. However, as part of this task, we will carry out a comprehensive reconstruction and expansion of the parking lot, creating a green surface on its surface. The existing pavement will be preserved as the base for the new surface.

🌱 Bioretention system 🌱.

In order to effectively manage stormwater, we will use an innovative bioretention system. An openwork grass pavement with reinforced substrate will be created in the parking lot to allow water permeability. In addition, we will build a bioretention system, which will consist of an absorption trough, a rain garden and an infiltration-filtration ditch. All rainwater draining from the parking lot will be channeled into this system, and then through an overflow will go to the hydrophytic pond to be renovated.

🌍💚 For nature and parking lot users! 💚🌍

Our efforts are aimed at protecting the environment and providing a higher level of comfort for parking lot users. Thanks to the green pavement with higher permeability, rainwater will have the opportunity to seep freely into the ground, which will reduce the burden on the sewer system and reduce the risk of flooding. In addition, the aesthetic appearance of the green parking lot will create a pleasant environment for users.


Green parking lot at the Silesian Botanical Garden

🌿🅿️ Parking lot with green and permeable pavement at Silesian Botanical Garden! 🅿️🌿

This task focuses on using the parking area in an ecological and efficient way. Our goal is to manage rainwater and create an aesthetically pleasing and comfortable parking lot. Here is what we are planning:

💦 Drainage of rainwater 💦.

The current parking lot, covered with gravel, has no rainwater retention or treatment facilities. Water partially soaks into the ground on site, and partially drains into a roadside ditch. However, as part of this task, we will carry out a comprehensive reconstruction and expansion of the parking lot, creating a green surface on its surface. The existing pavement will be preserved as the base for the new surface.

🌱 Bioretention system 🌱.

In order to effectively manage stormwater, we will use an innovative bioretention system. An openwork grass pavement with reinforced substrate will be created in the parking lot to allow water permeability. In addition, we will build a bioretention system, which will consist of an absorption trough, a rain garden and an infiltration-filtration ditch. All rainwater draining from the parking lot will be channeled into this system, and then through an overflow will go to the hydrophytic pond to be renovated.

🌍💚 For nature and parking lot users! 💚🌍

Our efforts are aimed at protecting the environment and providing a higher level of comfort for parking lot users. Thanks to the green pavement with higher permeability, rainwater will have the opportunity to seep freely into the ground, which will reduce the burden on the sewer system and reduce the risk of flooding. In addition, the aesthetic appearance of the green parking lot will create a pleasant environment for users.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.