🌿🅿️ Green parking in the City! 🅿️🌿

The goal of the task is to restore the function of the green area and introduce greening elements into the strict city center. We want to create a place that not only serves as a parking lot, but also promotes sustainability and care for the environment. Here are some details about this task:

🌱 YOUMBA slab parking 🌱.

In this task, we will use YOUMBA type slabs, which will ensure the soaking of rainwater and allow grass to grow. As a result, the parking area will become more permeable to water. In addition, the parking lot will be greened, which will further improve the aesthetics of the urban space.

📍 Location: Więcka Street, Mikolow 📍.

The green parking lot will be located in the very center of the city, which will be a great solution for residents and visitors who come to Mikolow. We will not only provide convenient and functional parking spaces, but also enrich the urban space with elements of green surroundings.

🌿🚗 Sustainable development for a better city! 🚗🌿

By creating a green parking lot, we aim to promote the sustainable development of our city. By restoring the function of the green area, we are making sure to maintain harmony between urban infrastructure and nature. The green parking lot will be one of the elements of our network of ecological corridors and aeration wedges in the city, which will contribute to improving the quality of life for residents.

✅ Practical and ecological.


Green Parking on Więcka Street

🌿🅿️ Green parking in the City! 🅿️🌿

The goal of the task is to restore the function of the green area and introduce greening elements into the strict city center. We want to create a place that not only serves as a parking lot, but also promotes sustainability and care for the environment. Here are some details about this task:

🌱 YOUMBA slab parking 🌱.

In this task, we will use YOUMBA type slabs, which will ensure the soaking of rainwater and allow grass to grow. As a result, the parking area will become more permeable to water. In addition, the parking lot will be greened, which will further improve the aesthetics of the urban space.

📍 Location: Więcka Street, Mikolow 📍.

The green parking lot will be located in the very center of the city, which will be a great solution for residents and visitors who come to Mikolow. We will not only provide convenient and functional parking spaces, but also enrich the urban space with elements of green surroundings.

🌿🚗 Sustainable development for a better city! 🚗🌿

By creating a green parking lot, we aim to promote the sustainable development of our city. By restoring the function of the green area, we are making sure to maintain harmony between urban infrastructure and nature. The green parking lot will be one of the elements of our network of ecological corridors and aeration wedges in the city, which will contribute to improving the quality of life for residents.

✅ Practical and ecological.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.