17 small-leaved lime trees have appeared in the market square in Mikolov, and there are also new flowerbeds planted with roses and arborvitae.

The work involved several aspects:

1) Demolition and excavation – removal of almost 400m2 of concrete and granite paving.

2) Creation of planting beds – 4 2.5m wide planting beds with borders increase the cleared area around the trees.

3) Establishment of an anti-compression system – this is a dedicated system for trees planted in small spaces, together with reinforcement, aeration and irrigation installation and modules to direct root growth.

4) Application of a suitable substrate.

5) Installation of 6 decorative trusses.

6) Restoration of the pavement using pavers previously pulled down.

The small-leaved lime ‘Greenspire’ is a medium-sized but fast-growing tree with a regular, wide-oval crown with a prominent, straight guide. The tree grows to 15-20 metres high and 10-12 metres wide. The heart-shaped leaves are 6 to 10 cm long, dark green, glossy and turn yellow in autumn. In late June and early July, the trees are covered with yellow-green, fragrant and honey-giving flowers. The flowers hang on a flaccid peduncle fused to a tongue-shaped inflorescence leaf. The fruits are small pecans usually containing a single seed. It is a native variety, fully frost hardy and tolerant in terms of adapting to harsh urban conditions.


Planting and maintenance of trees: MARKET PLAINS

17 small-leaved lime trees have appeared in the market square in Mikolov, and there are also new flowerbeds planted with roses and arborvitae.

The work involved several aspects:

1) Demolition and excavation – removal of almost 400m2 of concrete and granite paving.

2) Creation of planting beds – 4 2.5m wide planting beds with borders increase the cleared area around the trees.

3) Establishment of an anti-compression system – this is a dedicated system for trees planted in small spaces, together with reinforcement, aeration and irrigation installation and modules to direct root growth.

4) Application of a suitable substrate.

5) Installation of 6 decorative trusses.

6) Restoration of the pavement using pavers previously pulled down.

The small-leaved lime ‘Greenspire’ is a medium-sized but fast-growing tree with a regular, wide-oval crown with a prominent, straight guide. The tree grows to 15-20 metres high and 10-12 metres wide. The heart-shaped leaves are 6 to 10 cm long, dark green, glossy and turn yellow in autumn. In late June and early July, the trees are covered with yellow-green, fragrant and honey-giving flowers. The flowers hang on a flaccid peduncle fused to a tongue-shaped inflorescence leaf. The fruits are small pecans usually containing a single seed. It is a native variety, fully frost hardy and tolerant in terms of adapting to harsh urban conditions.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.