… one can find treasures. Participants of two commented walks, which took place on June 2 and 3, found this out. Admiring the natural gems, we talked about possible adaptation measures in our city, as well as about planned investments under the project and their impact on everyday life. The walk covered with its route the city center, the locations of activities and investments, and thought-provoking places related to the adaptation of urban buildings and infrastructure to the realities of a changing climate.


Wandering around Mikołów….

… one can find treasures. Participants of two commented walks, which took place on June 2 and 3, found this out. Admiring the natural gems, we talked about possible adaptation measures in our city, as well as about planned investments under the project and their impact on everyday life. The walk covered with its route the city center, the locations of activities and investments, and thought-provoking places related to the adaptation of urban buildings and infrastructure to the realities of a changing climate.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.