🌿🏞️ Revitalization and creation of new green areas 🌿🏞️

The purpose of the activity is to mitigate the effects of extreme weather events, promote biodiversity, and green up built-up areas. Each of the tasks is an integral part of our ecological corridors and aeration wedges, creating a friendly environment for residents and nature. What will be done:

🌱 Urban meadow at the Wygoda bus stop 🌱.

One of our priorities is to create a beautiful urban meadow at the Wygoda collective stop. This space of about 1,600 sqm will be dominated by native plant species with a leaf blade structure that effectively traps dust from the air. Thanks to them, we will create a place where residents can calmly await the arrival of the bus while enjoying the beauty of nature.

🌼 Honeypot flowerbeds on the boardwalk behind the fire station building 🌼.

Another fascinating activity is the creation of honey-growing beds at the promenade behind the fire station building. A large (400m2) area filled with a variety of plants will attract bees and other pollinating insects by providing them with adequate food while pleasing our eyes with beautiful colors.

💧 Rain garden on Krawczyk Street 💧.

It is designed to effectively collect rainwater and prevent flooding. Vegetation specially selected to cope well with local conditions will simultaneously create a beautiful and functional environment for residents.

🌳 Pocket park on Bandurskiego Street 🌳.

This is a project for a charming 471-square-meter park that will provide a place for residents to meet, relax and integrate.

We believe that our initiatives will contribute to creating a more sustainable, green and friendly environment for our community. We invite you to follow the progress and enjoy more and more greenery in our city!


Revitalization and creation of new green spaces

🌿🏞️ Revitalization and creation of new green areas 🌿🏞️

The purpose of the activity is to mitigate the effects of extreme weather events, promote biodiversity, and green up built-up areas. Each of the tasks is an integral part of our ecological corridors and aeration wedges, creating a friendly environment for residents and nature. What will be done:

🌱 Urban meadow at the Wygoda bus stop 🌱.

One of our priorities is to create a beautiful urban meadow at the Wygoda collective stop. This space of about 1,600 sqm will be dominated by native plant species with a leaf blade structure that effectively traps dust from the air. Thanks to them, we will create a place where residents can calmly await the arrival of the bus while enjoying the beauty of nature.

🌼 Honeypot flowerbeds on the boardwalk behind the fire station building 🌼.

Another fascinating activity is the creation of honey-growing beds at the promenade behind the fire station building. A large (400m2) area filled with a variety of plants will attract bees and other pollinating insects by providing them with adequate food while pleasing our eyes with beautiful colors.

💧 Rain garden on Krawczyk Street 💧.

It is designed to effectively collect rainwater and prevent flooding. Vegetation specially selected to cope well with local conditions will simultaneously create a beautiful and functional environment for residents.

🌳 Pocket park on Bandurskiego Street 🌳.

This is a project for a charming 471-square-meter park that will provide a place for residents to meet, relax and integrate.

We believe that our initiatives will contribute to creating a more sustainable, green and friendly environment for our community. We invite you to follow the progress and enjoy more and more greenery in our city!

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.