The Large Pond in Planty Park has gained not only an aerating fountain, but also a new, species-enriched coastal flora.

Part of the stone overlay was removed, soil was added, and the whole thing was covered with coconut mats.


Revitalization of Planty Park: enrichment of species composition of bank plants

The Large Pond in Planty Park has gained not only an aerating fountain, but also a new, species-enriched coastal flora.

Part of the stone overlay was removed, soil was added, and the whole thing was covered with coconut mats.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.