The car park on Więcka Street has been reorganised. Thanks to the use of YOUMBA slabs and geo-grids, the surface has been unsealed, the space filled with humus and sown with grass. Rainwater run-off is partly collected thanks to new reservoirs and partly irrigates the green areas. Trees, shrubs and perennials were planted and insect houses were set up.


Green car park on Więcka Street

The car park on Więcka Street has been reorganised. Thanks to the use of YOUMBA slabs and geo-grids, the surface has been unsealed, the space filled with humus and sown with grass. Rainwater run-off is partly collected thanks to new reservoirs and partly irrigates the green areas. Trees, shrubs and perennials were planted and insect houses were set up.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.