A wooden educational hall was erected on the grounds of the Silesian Botanical Garden. This impressive structure consists of two levels: on the lower level there is an outdoor educational room that can accommodate up to 80 people, and on the upper level there is a didactic path – a green roof with planted native vegetation. The plants are described and exemplify intensive and extensive plantings. Excess rainwater has been directed into the ground and into an underground reservoir, which will be used locally. The path can be accessed from both sides, with steps on one side and a ramp on the other, and is protected by railings. The main purpose of the green field education room is to educate about climate change and adaptation options. Here, the local community will have the opportunity to gain knowledge about the impact of climate change on our environment and to discover a variety of solutions that can help to adapt to these changes. It will also be a great opportunity to promote sustainable lifestyles and encourage green actions. Both sections will soon be available to visitors to the Garden.

Construction work took several months and included:

removal of existing reinforced concrete elements,

construction of an underground concrete rainwater storage tank,

excavation of the foundation footing for the wooden columns of the shelter structure,

construction of wooden structure of the shelter,

execution of waterproofing,

construction of a green roof: educational plots as examples of intensive and extensive green roofs with diverse vegetation,

installation of a water reuse system for possible irrigation of vegetation on the roof,

the creation of an embankment as a natural approach to the upper part of the hall,

drainage of the hall and discharge of water into an underground tank with emergency overflow to the ground,

paving of the surface with cobblestones,

construction of two technical rooms in the lower part of the construction,

protection of the structure against corrosion,

construction of small architectural elements in the area of the hall: educational boards, benches, tables and waste baskets,

planting of plants adapted to the flat roof construction,

providing electricity to the gazebo and the technical rooms,

water supply to the gazebo.


Green field education room

A wooden educational hall was erected on the grounds of the Silesian Botanical Garden. This impressive structure consists of two levels: on the lower level there is an outdoor educational room that can accommodate up to 80 people, and on the upper level there is a didactic path – a green roof with planted native vegetation. The plants are described and exemplify intensive and extensive plantings. Excess rainwater has been directed into the ground and into an underground reservoir, which will be used locally. The path can be accessed from both sides, with steps on one side and a ramp on the other, and is protected by railings. The main purpose of the green field education room is to educate about climate change and adaptation options. Here, the local community will have the opportunity to gain knowledge about the impact of climate change on our environment and to discover a variety of solutions that can help to adapt to these changes. It will also be a great opportunity to promote sustainable lifestyles and encourage green actions. Both sections will soon be available to visitors to the Garden.

Construction work took several months and included:

removal of existing reinforced concrete elements,

construction of an underground concrete rainwater storage tank,

excavation of the foundation footing for the wooden columns of the shelter structure,

construction of wooden structure of the shelter,

execution of waterproofing,

construction of a green roof: educational plots as examples of intensive and extensive green roofs with diverse vegetation,

installation of a water reuse system for possible irrigation of vegetation on the roof,

the creation of an embankment as a natural approach to the upper part of the hall,

drainage of the hall and discharge of water into an underground tank with emergency overflow to the ground,

paving of the surface with cobblestones,

construction of two technical rooms in the lower part of the construction,

protection of the structure against corrosion,

construction of small architectural elements in the area of the hall: educational boards, benches, tables and waste baskets,

planting of plants adapted to the flat roof construction,

providing electricity to the gazebo and the technical rooms,

water supply to the gazebo.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.