When thinking about tree care, we most often think of pruning, but the scope of work should be much broader. Thoughtful and planned treatments are especially important for old-growth trees. In the case of the 3 trees we took care of, the recommended maintenance work included:

  • tree treatment aimed at restoring the optimal and long-term condition of the trees;
  • tree care in the trunk and branches including: cleaning up cavities and reducing wood decay, accelerating tissue regeneration, applying appropriate preparations as necessary;
  • care of trees in the crown – application of appropriate pruning, in accordance with the principles of tree surgery (including cutting out dry and broken branches and boughs);
  • protection of the resulting cavities and wounds after cleaning;
  • mechanical reinforcement of trees, e.g., by installing approved rope ties or supports as needed.

Three trees were subjected to tree care work:

The small-leaved linden tree growing in Mokre Park on Zamkowa Street is a 25-meter-tall tree, with a crown spread of about 15 meters

The acacia robinia growing in the Synagogue Square is about 20 meters high, and the size of its crown is about 10 meters.

An ash tree growing at Musiala street. Its height is 15 meters and the spread of its crown is about 12 meters.


Planting and Care of Trees: OLD-GROWER CARE.

When thinking about tree care, we most often think of pruning, but the scope of work should be much broader. Thoughtful and planned treatments are especially important for old-growth trees. In the case of the 3 trees we took care of, the recommended maintenance work included:

  • tree treatment aimed at restoring the optimal and long-term condition of the trees;
  • tree care in the trunk and branches including: cleaning up cavities and reducing wood decay, accelerating tissue regeneration, applying appropriate preparations as necessary;
  • care of trees in the crown – application of appropriate pruning, in accordance with the principles of tree surgery (including cutting out dry and broken branches and boughs);
  • protection of the resulting cavities and wounds after cleaning;
  • mechanical reinforcement of trees, e.g., by installing approved rope ties or supports as needed.

Three trees were subjected to tree care work:

The small-leaved linden tree growing in Mokre Park on Zamkowa Street is a 25-meter-tall tree, with a crown spread of about 15 meters

The acacia robinia growing in the Synagogue Square is about 20 meters high, and the size of its crown is about 10 meters.

An ash tree growing at Musiala street. Its height is 15 meters and the spread of its crown is about 12 meters.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.