🌿💦 Restoring the retention capacity and scenic value of the 19th-century pond in the Park in Mokrem 💦🌿.

What does this mean? Here are the details:

💧 Desludging for greater retention 💧.

For many years the pond was left without proper care, and de-silting will restore its active retention capacity. The work will be carried out using an excavator outside the growing season and will cover an area of about 0.32 hectares.

🚰 Filtration and sedimentation chamber for purification 🚰.

To ensure better treatment of rainwater before it enters the pond, a filter-sedimentation chamber will be installed at the inlet. This innovative design will reduce pollutants and sediments that could negatively affect the pond’s water quality. This will make the pond greener and healthier for the ecosystem.

🌱 Revitalizing the banks of the pond 🌱.

To restore the aesthetic and ecological qualities of the pond, spot plantings of hydrophytes in the shoreline zone are envisaged. These plants will not only serve a decorative function, but also improve living conditions for a variety of aquatic organisms. This is a step towards restoring the natural beauty and balance of the pond ecosystem.

🌿🌊 Return to its former glory 🌊🌿

Thanks to this task, the pond in the 19th century Park in Mokrem will regain its former functionality and beauty. Improving water retention, cleaning and restoring green banks will make the pond not only an aesthetic element of the landscape, but also a valuable habitat for plants and animals.


Restoration of the retention capacity of the pond in the Park in Mokrem

🌿💦 Restoring the retention capacity and scenic value of the 19th-century pond in the Park in Mokrem 💦🌿.

What does this mean? Here are the details:

💧 Desludging for greater retention 💧.

For many years the pond was left without proper care, and de-silting will restore its active retention capacity. The work will be carried out using an excavator outside the growing season and will cover an area of about 0.32 hectares.

🚰 Filtration and sedimentation chamber for purification 🚰.

To ensure better treatment of rainwater before it enters the pond, a filter-sedimentation chamber will be installed at the inlet. This innovative design will reduce pollutants and sediments that could negatively affect the pond’s water quality. This will make the pond greener and healthier for the ecosystem.

🌱 Revitalizing the banks of the pond 🌱.

To restore the aesthetic and ecological qualities of the pond, spot plantings of hydrophytes in the shoreline zone are envisaged. These plants will not only serve a decorative function, but also improve living conditions for a variety of aquatic organisms. This is a step towards restoring the natural beauty and balance of the pond ecosystem.

🌿🌊 Return to its former glory 🌊🌿

Thanks to this task, the pond in the 19th century Park in Mokrem will regain its former functionality and beauty. Improving water retention, cleaning and restoring green banks will make the pond not only an aesthetic element of the landscape, but also a valuable habitat for plants and animals.

Iceland Liechtenstein Norway grants Mikołów ogród życia LIECHTENSTEIN INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT Polska Śląski Ogród Botaniczny Wojewódzki Fundusz Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Katowicach Ministerstwo Klimatu i Środowiska Mikołów dla klimatu

Projekt finansowany jest z środków MF EOG na lata 2014-2021. Dofinansowany z środków WFOŚiGW w Katowicach.